Welcome to Moonshot

Moonshot magazine covers design, sustainability, business, and technology.

With original, deep-dive stories, discoveries, and analysis, Moonshot aims to inspire creative leaders and entrepreneurs that want to take a more innovative approach to shaping the world around us. It’s published monthly in email and online by Hugh McFall, a San Francisco-based writer and marketer working in climate technology.

The name Moonshot is inspired by “moonshot thinking”: the idea that we can tackle big problems with ambitious solutions. Feel free to send in your feedback, discoveries, and ideas to hugh@moonshotmag.co

What we cover

Moonshot covers a range of topics, especially architecture, urban design, infrastructure, cities, sustainable mobility, climate technology, startups, and media. If you’re interested in this too, please subscribe or learn about how you can contribute.

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Deep-dive stories, discoveries, and analysis on design, technology, business, and sustainability.